Guitar, who does not know these strings? Not only the passage of the musicians who make the rhythm guitars to be beautiful. But there's skillful hands of its maker
which underpins every passage of a harmonious, beautiful and playbility.
Making the guitar had to be filled with 'taste'. Thus expressed Mr. Wen (45). Male full name Wenardi Wigono Yosefat this was a guitar maker with brands Guitar Secco. 'Pain' that's what he tried to instill in eight of its employees while producing the guitar.
According to Mr. Wen to produce a quality guitar with a rhythm determined also by the production process of the guitar itself. Starting from selecting materials
quality, construction techniques with the slick production and the expertise of the manufacturer in making every detail or craftmanshop.
For materials, Mr. Wen chose wood for the main component. Rosewood (sonokeling), Spanish cedar, sprus Germany, maple or mahogany. Each timber has a different color and line. That, he said, will affect the color of the guitar sound when plucked.
So is the mood or the mood of its maker. Susana liver becomes so important because it may be critical to make every detail look perfect. For in the making of this guitar, said Mr. Wen, the potential for failure is high. One bit can change back the finished component.
Nothing wrong if Mr Wen said, making the guitar have a taste. It could be related to the premises also boasts a music game 'feel'. So, Mr. Wen also
always tried to instill positive thoughts in every employee.
Mr. Wen with Secco Guitarnya initiate steps in this guitar making business in 1999. In 2000, he began to open a production room at Jalan Tanjung 13.
Guitar-acoustic or classical guitar is the main production. In addition, Mr. Wen also produce a violin and mandolin.
For Mr. Wen, a guitar is a challenge. "What makes things beautiful rings, assembled from wood, then arranged to live. From there arose something fun," said this gentleman born in Purwokerto.
In one month, could generate 10-20 Secco Guitar guitar with the material composition of the layers of wood and wood bodyside. But for pure solid wood guitar throughout
components of wood, Secco Guitar only produce just two guitars.
Different components also determines the price of each guitar. Mr. Wen sells his guitar from the start price of USD $ 3 million to dozens of million rupiah. In each of his guitar, Mr. Wen
provide a lifetime warranty for every customer.
Customer satisfaction is primary. Making a guitar, to him as to create two guitars. If consumers do not get satisfaction with his guitar. So Mr. Wen would turn it into a new guitar.
How to make a guitar
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Guitar Made
Friday, May 28, 2010
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